Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The G4 Experience is back and Joe and Neal Schon invite you to join them (along with Rick Nielsen, Carlos Alomar, Lari Basilio, Bumblefoot and Kiko Loureiro) for 4 Days & Nights of Pure Guitar Pleasure!


  The G4 Experience is back and Joe and Neal Schon invite you to join them  
(along with Rick Nielsen, Carlos Alomar, Lari Basilio, Bumblefoot and 
Kiko Loureiro) for 4 Days & Nights of Pure Guitar Pleasure!

Jan 3 - 7, 2019 in Palm Springs, CA
The G4 Experience is an event for players and music-lovers of all ages, levels, interests, and taste! Whether you are a master player, a beginner, or just an enthusiastic fan, our four-day programs offer activities and workshops for you. Our environments are non-competitive and are strictly about immersing oneself in the joys of music and our lovely surroundings!
Neal Schon Plays Guitar


  1. What an Amazing Event this will be! Neal and Joe and Rick that's 150 years of excellence Guitar Playing!

  2. i am sorry but cannot go and i am sure it will be awesome

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